Imagine someone searches for a topic & finds your trang web on page one of Google. When they click through lớn your website, though, their eyes land on a bland webpage that says "Service Unavailable".

Bạn đang xem: 503 service unavailable


What do you think they"ll do when they find your website on Google again? Odds are, they"ll skip over it and click on the next link. If visitors are looking for answers & you"re promising them those answers, but you can"t deliver because something"s wrong with your website, they"ll thua trận trust in your brand.

Unfortunately, if your trang web experiences a 503 Service Unavailable Error, there"s no silver bullet solution. You have to lớn investigate what"s actually causing the issue, because even though these types of errors indicate what happened to lớn your website, they don"t tell you why it happened.

To help you fix your 503 Service Unavailable Error & avoid losing potential customers, check out our guide on what exactly the issue is và its most common solutions.

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What is a 503 error?

A 503 Service Unavailable Error is an HTTP response status code that indicates your web server operates properly, but it can"t handle a request at the moment. Since it"s just a generic error message, it"s difficult khổng lồ pinpoint the issue"s exact cause.

When your trang web is experiencing a 503 Service Unavailable Error, your site"s visitors will land on an error page. Fortunately, Airbrake recommends five common solutions for troubleshooting most 503 Service Unavailable Errors.

How lớn Fix an HTTP Error 503

Reboot your server. Check to see if your web hệ thống is going through maintenance. Fix faulty firewall configurations. Sift through your server-side logs. Comb through your website"s code lớn find bugs.

1. Restart your server.

Sometimes, there will be congestion in the vps chain that hosts your website. One of the most effective ways to xuất hiện up & refresh it is to lớn simply restart your website server. If your trang web is hosted on multiple servers, make sure you restart all of them khổng lồ get it running again.

2. Check to see if your web server is going through maintenance.

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Most web servers shut down when they"re going through maintenance. If you can access your server"s administration settings, kiểm tra the configuration options to lớn see when automatic maintenance sessions are scheduled. If you"d rather have complete control over your server"s maintenance, you can disable these automatic updates in the configuration options, too.

3. Fix faulty firewall configurations.

Your firewall is your website"s gatekeeper, protecting your site from malicious visitors or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Sometimes, a faulty firewall configuration will cause your firewall khổng lồ deem requests from a nội dung delivery network as an attack on your server and reject them, resulting in a 503 Service Unavailable Error. Kiểm tra your firewall configuration lớn pinpoint và fix the issue.

4. Sift through your server-side logs.

There are two types of server-side logs -- applications logs và server logs. Application logs recount your website"s entire history, letting you see the web pages requested by visitors và the servers it connected to. Server logs provide information about the hardware running your server, revealing details about its health và status. Sift through both types of server-side logs khổng lồ uncover any alarming information about your hệ thống or website.

5. Comb through your website"s code lớn find bugs.

If there"s a mistake in your website"s code, your web server might not be able lớn correctly answer requests from a nội dung delivery network. Comb through your code lớn find bugs or copy your code into a development machine. It"ll perform a thorough debug process that will simulate the exact situation your 503 Service Unavailable Error occurred in & allow you to lớn find the exact moment things went wrong.

Any time there"s an error on your site, it"s important to fix it as soon as you can. If customers get errors, they probably won"t come back to lớn your page.

Editor"s note: This post was originally published in January 2019 và has been updated for comprehensiveness.