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Bạn đang xem: Giới thiệu về hội an bằng tiếng anh

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Hoi An was a bustling international trading port in Southeast Asia from the 15th lớn the 19th century. Although large-scale trading had long moved elsewhere, Hoi An has been successful in preserving và restoring its charming roots và was recognized as the World Heritage by UNESCO in 1998. Nowadays, Hoi An is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Vietnam.

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Formerly an important trading port in Indochina during the 17th & 18th centuries, Hoi An now still retains much of its Asian authentic architecture as well as its nostalgia ambiance. In this UNESCO World Heritage Site, stand still various constructions of different Asian cultures, among which Chinese Phuc Kien Assembly Hall and Japanese Pagoda Bridge are the most outstanding. Hoi An’s tailor-ship & handicrafts are renowned worldwide. Aside from all of those sightseeing & shopping experience, the rural area surrounding Hoi An is ideal for bicycle, beach and boat-cruise trips.

There are a lot of interesting thing for you to vị in Hoi an. The first time I traveled to lớn Hoi An, I loved it. For one, we spent the entire week prior motorbiking through the rural villages of Central Vietnam. An other best things to bởi in Hoi An is to lớn walk the back streets along the canal, behind the pretty touristy restaurants. We took the original Hoi An Food Tour and just loved it. Even though we were quite familiar with Vietnamese food, we still learned a lot from this tour. The local insight is great and you’ll be sure to lớn fill up on some excellent food. Hoi an is home to some of the most beautiful hotels and resorts in the world. You can stay closer to lớn town or in the rice paddies with nature.