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Return policy

Tap on the category liên kết below for the associated return window và exceptions (if any) for returns.

Books 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold và fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Bạn đang xem: Dolce&gabbana light blue women"s perfumes

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due lớn customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To determine whether items sold và fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Movies, Music and đoạn clip Games
Movies, Music 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold and fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Musical Instruments 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold & fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due lớn customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

đoạn clip Games (Accessories and Games) 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold & fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements và spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

mobile Accessories 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold và fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements and spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Khổng lồ determine whether items sold và fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Laptops 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold và fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due to customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Software 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold & fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To lớn determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Printers 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold and fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due lớn customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Desktops, Monitors, Pen drives, Hard drives, Memory cards, Computer accessories, Graphic cards, CPU, nguồn supplies, Motherboards, Cooling devices, TV cards và Computing Components 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold và fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements and spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To determine whether items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Digital Cameras, camera lenses, Headsets, Speakers, Projectors, trang chủ Entertainment (new và certified refurbished) 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold and fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements and spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Headsets 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold & fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To lớn determine whether items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Speakers 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold and fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due to lớn customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

trang chủ Entertainment 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold and fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements and spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due lớn customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To lớn determine whether items sold và fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

trang chủ and Kitchen 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold & fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements and spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due lớn customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To lớn determine whether items sold và fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Grocery và Gourmet Non Returnable

This thành tựu is non-returnable due lớn hygiene/health and personal care/wellness/consumable nature of the product. However, in the unlikely event of damaged, defective or different công trình delivered to lớn you, we will provide a full refund or free replacement as applicable. We may tương tác you lớn ascertain the damage or defect in the product prior khổng lồ issuing refund/replacement.

Pet Food, Pet Shampoos và Conditioners, Pest Control and Pet Grooming sida Non Returnable

This tòa tháp is non-returnable due to hygiene/health and personal care/wellness/consumable nature of the product. However, in the unlikely sự kiện of damaged, defective or different thành quả delivered to lớn you, we will provide a full refund or không tính tiền replacement as applicable. We may contact you lớn ascertain the damage or defect in the hàng hóa prior khổng lồ issuing refund/replacement.

Pet Habitats & Supplies, Apparel & Leashes, Training và Behavior Aids, Toys, Aquarium Supplies such as Pumps, Filters và Lights 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold & fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Baby 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold & fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements & spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due to customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Toys 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold và fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements và spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due to lớn customer choice/error.

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Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Sports, Fitness & Outdoors 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold và fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements và spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Khổng lồ determine whether items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Beauty 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold và fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements and spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Grocery Non Returnable

This tòa tháp is non-returnable due to hygiene/health & personal care/wellness/consumable nature of the product. However, in the unlikely event of damaged, defective or different nhà cửa delivered lớn you, we will provide a full refund or không lấy phí replacement as applicable. We may liên hệ you to lớn ascertain the damage or defect in the sản phẩm prior to issuing refund/replacement.

Personal Care Appliances 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold and fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements và spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due lớn customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Beer, Wine & Spirits 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold and fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements và spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due khổng lồ customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To lớn determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Health và Personal Care 15 Days Returnable

Products are returnable on spqnam.edu.vn within the 15 day return window for any reason on spqnam.edu.vn. When you return an item, you may see an option for a refund or replacement. Replacements are only available for items that are sold & fulfilled by spqnam.edu.vn SG – see About Replacements và spqnam.edu.vn Refunds Policy.

Damaged/defective or any spqnam.edu.vn error returns will receive a full refund including a refund of original shipping charges. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping charges will not be refunded on returns due to customer choice/error.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

More details:About Our Returns Policies

Clothing and Accessories 30 Days Returnable

You may return most new và unopened spqnam.edu.vn International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit and return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns tư vấn Centre. Please cảnh báo that it can take up to 15 days for an thành quả to reach us once you return it. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund.

You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect thắng lợi for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit and a credit of S$30 to lớn cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) lớn us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, liên hệ us before shipping the item & provide evidence lớn us to substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed.

Please use the Returns support Centre to lớn return a defective cống phẩm within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If you need to lớn return a defective cống phẩm outside of the 30-day window, please tương tác us.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

Precious Jewellery 30 Days Returnable

You may return most new và unopened spqnam.edu.vn International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit và return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns support Centre. Please chú ý that it can take up khổng lồ 15 days for an tác phẩm to reach us once you return it. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund.

You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect item for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit & a credit of S$30 khổng lồ cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) khổng lồ us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, tương tác us before shipping the item and provide evidence khổng lồ us to lớn substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed.

Please use the Returns tư vấn Centre lớn return a defective sản phẩm within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If you need khổng lồ return a defective tòa tháp outside of the 30-day window, please contact us.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Khổng lồ determine whether items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

Fashion or Imitation Jewellery, Eyewear & Watches 30 Days Returnable

You may return most new and unopened spqnam.edu.vn International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit and return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns tư vấn Centre. Please lưu ý that it can take up khổng lồ 15 days for an cửa nhà to reach us once you return it. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund.

You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect thành công for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit & a credit of S$30 to lớn cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) to us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, contact us before shipping the item và provide evidence to us to substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed.

Please use the Returns tư vấn Centre khổng lồ return a defective công trình within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If you need to return a defective thành quả outside of the 30-day window, please liên hệ us.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy mix by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

Watches 30 Days Returnable

You may return most new và unopened spqnam.edu.vn International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit and return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns tư vấn Centre. Please cảnh báo that it can take up to lớn 15 days for an công trình to reach us once you return it. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund.

You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect thắng lợi for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit & a credit of S$30 to lớn cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) to us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, liên hệ us before shipping the item & provide evidence to lớn us khổng lồ substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed.

Please use the Returns support Centre lớn return a defective tòa tháp within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If you need to return a defective cống phẩm outside of the 30-day window, please liên hệ us.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Khổng lồ determine whether items sold & fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

Luggage and Handbags 30 Days Returnable

You may return most new and unopened spqnam.edu.vn International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit và return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns tư vấn Centre. Please chú ý that it can take up to 15 days for an cửa nhà to reach us once you return it. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund.

You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect vật phẩm for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit & a credit of S$30 to cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) lớn us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, liên hệ us before shipping the item and provide evidence to lớn us lớn substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed.

Please use the Returns support Centre khổng lồ return a defective sản phẩm within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If you need lớn return a defective thành quả outside of the 30-day window, please contact us.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To lớn determine whether items sold và fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

Shoes 30 Days Returnable

You may return most new and unopened spqnam.edu.vn International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit và return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns tư vấn Centre. Please lưu ý that it can take up lớn 15 days for an thành công to reach us once you return it. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund.

You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect chiến thắng for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit và a credit of S$30 lớn cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) to lớn us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, liên hệ us before shipping the item and provide evidence lớn us lớn substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed.

Please use the Returns support Centre to return a defective thành phầm within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If you need to lớn return a defective thành công outside of the 30-day window, please tương tác us.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected khổng lồ offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To lớn determine whether items sold và fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

car Parts và Accessories, bike Parts và Accessories, Helmets and other Protective Gear, Vehicle Electronics 30 Days Returnable

You may return most new và unopened spqnam.edu.vn International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit and return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns support Centre. Please chú ý that it can take up to 15 days for an thành tựu to reach us once you return it. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund.

You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect thành phầm for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit & a credit of S$30 to lớn cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) to us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, tương tác us before shipping the item và provide evidence khổng lồ us to lớn substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed.

Please use the Returns support Centre lớn return a defective thành quả within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If you need khổng lồ return a defective nhà cửa outside of the 30-day window, please contact us.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Lớn determine whether items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

Fasteners, Food service equipment and supplies, Industrial Electrical, Lab & Scientific Products, Material Handling Products, Occupational Health and Safety Products, Packaging and Shipping Supplies, Professional Medical Supplies, Tapes, Adhesives and Sealants Test, Measure và Inspect items, Industrial Hardware, Industrial Power & Hand Tools. 30 Days Returnable

You may return most new & unopened spqnam.edu.vn International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit và return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns support Centre. Please chú ý that it can take up khổng lồ 15 days for an thành công to reach us once you return it. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund.

You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect vật phẩm for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit và a credit of S$30 lớn cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) lớn us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, tương tác us before shipping the item và provide evidence to lớn us khổng lồ substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed.

Please use the Returns support Centre khổng lồ return a defective thành tích within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If you need khổng lồ return a defective thành tựu outside of the 30-day window, please tương tác us.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to lớn offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. To lớn determine whether items sold và fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, check the returns policy set by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.

Tyres (except oto tyres), Rims & Oversized Items (Automobiles) 30 Days Returnable

You may return most new and unopened spqnam.edu.vn International Store items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid. Unless otherwise stated, original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit & return shipping for change of mind returns are not refunded. Change of mind returns within 30 days of receipt of delivery are easy with our online Returns support Centre. Please note that it can take up khổng lồ 15 days for an thành tựu to reach us once you return it. If we receive your returned item(s) after 45 days from receipt of delivery, we may deduct a 20% restocking fee from your refund.

You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect thành quả for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit & a credit of S$30 lớn cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) lớn us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, contact us before shipping the item và provide evidence lớn us khổng lồ substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed.

Please use the Returns tư vấn Centre lớn return a defective nhà cửa within 30 days of receipt of delivery. If you need to lớn return a defective cống phẩm outside of the 30-day window, please tương tác us.

Third-party sellers on spqnam.edu.vn are expected to offer returns on an equivalent basis, but their policies may vary. Khổng lồ determine whether items sold và fulfilled by a third-party seller can be returned, kiểm tra the returns policy phối by the seller.

Please see our spqnam.edu.vn International Store Returns policy for information about returning spqnam.edu.vn International Store items.